Sweet Potato and Black Bean Tacos
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Sweet Potato and Black Bean Taco's
This sweet and savor twist to a classic dish will add a little more variety to your Taco Tuesdays. This was an instant favorite at my house and allows me to stretch my grocery budget just a little more thanks to this meatless delicious taco.
Prep Time 12 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Passive Time 37 minutes
servings of 2-3 tacos
Prep Time 12 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Passive Time 37 minutes
servings of 2-3 tacos
  1. Instructions Make sure the sweet potatoes are peeled and chopping into 1/2 inch squares
  2. In a large skillet place olive oil and sweet potatoes. Cover skillet and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  3. Add onions, garlic, teriyaki and soy sauce. Sprinkle the Cumin and Cayenne Pepper powders over mixture and stir. Continue cooking covered over medium heat for 12 minutes,
  4. Add in brown sugar. Stir, then continue cooking until sweet potatoes are cooked through. (They should be super tender)
  5. In a separate skillet over medium heat, add coconut oil enough to lightly coat bottom of skillet and heat up tortillas. Heat up tortillas for 1-2 minutes on each side. Remove tortillas and place on a paper towel to remove excess oil. Repeat with remaining tortillas remember to add extra coconut oil to keep bottom skillet coated.
  6. For serving, fill each tortilla with 2 tablespoons black beans and equal amounts of the sweet potato/onion mixture. Top with cilantro and squeeze the lime wedges over the top, enjoy!
  7. You can add Cheese and Sour Cream if desired but I feel it takes away from the tacos instead of adding to them. *Serving size is 2-3 tacos.*


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