2018 was the second year The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints called upon their members and the general public to #lighttheworld with acts of kindness and charity. This call has been answered in many different ways. People baking cookies and caroling to their neighbors. There was an awesome calendar sent out to help you on this impeccable adventure of service.

Many volunteers at charities all over the world but my favorite thing was the Light The World vending machines.
These awesome vending machines were located in 5 places in the world Manila Philippians, London England, New York New York, Salt Lake City Utah and the one near me in Gilbert Arizona.
These vending machines gave patrons the opportunity to easily donate to local and international charities. You were able to donate items like supplies from a class room to cows to pacifiers. It is an amazing and simple way to make the world just a little bit brighter. These awesome machines were placed out in the last few days of November and remained up until December 31st 2018. Below is a video at the one near me.
I am really hoping they do this again next year because I had a blast visiting this machine and I even got to help volunteer one night and show others how the machine worked. It was wonderful to meet so many people who wanted to give.
I would love to hear what you have done to Light the World in your community. So leave me a comment.