So many books to read so little time!

So how many of you love a great book? What genre do you prefer? I personally like a little bit of everything I read classics, contemporary, western, fantasy, sci-fi, YA, and so much more. Recently I have been into self help and financial books because I am a Business Management major.

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And while trying to find a particular book for one of my classes I have found this amazing website where you can get books at a great rate. I also signed up to be an affiliate because I know personally I love books so much and feel that many of my friends and family will benefit from this website.

I cannot begin to tell you how danger this website is for someone like me but I love it and have already gotten my first 5 books, one of which I needed for a college course on business.

Book Spines oh so pretty?

All my books were under $4 a piece and I got free shipping to my house. How awesome is that? I will warn you, it is harder to find new prints for super cheap on this website but I have found a lot of books that I have been wanting to own for sometime for just a few bucks a piece. They also sell textbooks so please share this site for all the poor college students you know.

I know this may seem like boring titles but I am trying to improve myself.

So the link is at the top of the page and below. Check it out and let me know what great books you found. I am always looking for a great read.

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