Alright, you’ve been doing a lot of work, getting your ad campaigns ready to run, or perhaps you’ve started them already. I’m sure you’ll see there are quite a few times that your ads will have impressions, and some of those will turn into clicks; hopefully all of the clicks convert into customers.

One major way to make your ads reach first place in the bid process is by adding good content to your website, and especially by adding content with your ad’s keywords in it. These keywords can be added into the title, the content, the images, or the coding of each page. The title and content are pretty easy of course, but having random words throughout your post isn’t a god idea so, when you’ve produced a beautiful post, I suggest adding extra keywords into your pictures, and if you can figure out how, into the pages code. Google takes into account keywords on all of these, and will scan them to know what is where, and what you’re content looks like.

The more connected your site is to your ads, the higher the rating on your ads, and that can make a huge difference!

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