The most important part of living on a budget is to plan ahead. If you can plan ahead, buy all your much needed Christmas supplies the day or week after Christmas. You will be surprised how much left over Christmas stuff your local stores may have left over.

99 Cents Only Store December 26th
99 Cents Only Store December 26th
99 Cents Only Store December 26th

I know it’s hard to plan ahead for some people and if that is you I might suggest just waiting a few weeks before celebrating Christmas. Up until last year that is what my husband and I did, we would celebrate Christmas around January 15th. The reason why is the Sales!!! The day after Christmas is 50% off most stores. For decorations I suggest the 99 Cents Only Store and Walmart.

I hope people realize how amazing the 99 Cents Only Store is. A lot of stores send their extra’s to stores like Dollar Tree and The 99 Cents Only Store that is why you can find some great finds at those stores some times.

Above and below are some of the finds that I found today December 26th at my local 99 Cents Only Store and Walmart.

Walmart December 26th
Walmart December 26th

Also don’t forget that December 26th is Boxing Day at a lot of companies. So you can get some amazing gifts for half the price or less. What are some great bargain gifts you have found?

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