Have you ever dreamed of traveling? But you think it is just way too expensive. Well, if you are okay with going without a few extra frills travel can be quite affordable.

These are the main categories to think about as you plan your amazing get away. This list does not include what to pack I will get that up for you soon.

  1. Airfare
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

I have found that if you can get to one of the major hubs in the USA then getting to Europe or Asia isn’t too expensive, if you travel with one of the budget Airlines. I usually fly out of Los Angeles with Norwegian Air myself. WOW is another great budget airline to get to Europe. Many Asian Airlines have Cheap flights out of Los Angeles, so take a look around and see what you can find. Try buying tickets as one way this can help lower prices, sometimes.

Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

2. Accommodations

So, this will depend on a few things; if you have a group of 4 or more renting a flat or house is, in my opinion, the best value for your dollar.

Photo by Jarek Ceborski on Unsplash

If you are traveling solo or as a couple (not honeymooning) I would suggest a Hostel, even for you older folks. Of course, there are always youth hostels (Only 18-30 year old’s) but there are some pretty awesome all age hostels, or adult hostels.

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

The reason I suggest Hostels is because most, not all, but most have a lounge area where you can make some awesome friends; I have met some of the most amazing people at Hostels. You also get to hear about awesome events going on and figure out new places to explore from fellow travelers. As with all accommodations read the reviews in detail before getting them. What you want in a place to stay is different than others, so don’t just go by the Stars.

Photo by Nicate Lee on Unsplash

You can also find some great hotels but remember hotels are not quite the same in other countries as they are in the US. I have rarely found one worth the price.

Photo by Emile Guillemot on Unsplash

These are the websites I prefer to use for accommodations www.booking.com, www.airbnb.com,  and www.hostelworld.com. Hostel World has apartments, hotels and hostels. Also remember to check out an accommodation’s actual website, a few times prices were cheaper on their actual website verses these pages I gave you.

3. Food & Drink

Okay, so I love food and I mean truly love it! When I travel, I eat way too much food too. My suggestion to you is finding an accommodation that has breakfast included in the price. Some places it may only be cereal and stuff, but you can usually get as much as you want. I make sure I fill up on breakfast and then I usually have a nice lunch someplace. Lunch is where I splurge because it is usually cheaper. Always ask the locals about their favorite food places, I have found some real gems thanks to the staff at hostels and even the gentlemen at the souvenir shops. Don’t be afraid to ask.

Pizza in Rome Picture by Jaded Ivy

Depending on the country local pubs usually have good lunch prices for some pretty good food.

Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

Depending on the price of food; and if the place I’m staying has a kitchen I can use, I either get a sandwich/ meal deal from the local corner market (I have seen this as an option in England, Ireland, Italy, Norway and Austria. *Some of these were a few years ago so times may have changed*) or I make dinner. If you are a good cook and staying for a few days at one Hostel you may even be able to get people who ask you/help pay for you to cook; this happened to me a few times. The great thing about doing that was they usually covered my cost of the food.

Some Hostels also provide dinner for just a few extra dollars which is usually local fare and is a great time to meet more travelers and bond over travels. You can make some lifelong friends, new travel companions, or just have great stories to take home.

Don’t forget to save money for all the sweet treat you want to try.

Gelato by Jaded Ivy

4. Souvenirs

Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash

Shop around for the best deals. Also ask the place you are staying if they suggest a certain shop; sometimes they know the best places to get great souvenirs for reasonable price. Some people haggle, I usually just say I’ll be back if it’s the best deal. Get a general idea on the price of things before you go, so you know a good deal when there is one. Also, try not to buy souvenirs until right before you leave so you don’t have to worry about storing them, or them getting lost or stolen.

5. Transportation

Double Decker Bus by Jaded Ivy

So, this can break the bank sometimes. This is something that most people do not plan for. Always check prices on taxi, bus, train and other options of transportation before you go. If you will be traveling in regions see if there are discounts on regional transportation. In some areas you can get a sleeper train compartment which will transport you while you sleep, saving you a night’s stay somewhere else and making it so you don’t waste a day traveling from one point to another. Try to plan out your days so you are doing things in the same part of town so you don’t have to use transportation, and you can walk around and really enjoy the ambiance.

Driving a Tricycle by Jaded Ivy

6. Attractions

Trevi Fountain by Jaded Ivy

Most major cities you visit will have great attractions, and quite a few are free or cheap. I’m not sure where you will be traveling but check and see if the city you are visiting has a city pass. I loved the London Pass when I visited London, and it had an option for tube fare add on, which I did. Always check to make sure it will be worth it, sometimes the attractions you want might not be included on the City Pass. Most major cities (at least in Europe) have their own Government websites and will usually include links to city passes if they are available, so make sure you check them out.

Tower Bridge by Jaded Ivy

Also read reviews on Attractions; some of them are not worth it like the London Eye, it was expensive, and I wasted hours waiting in line. In my opinion it is not worth it at all, especially on cloudy days.

Photo by Cris Tagupa on Unsplash

Read blog posts about the cities you want to visit. Plan out your activities generally before you leave on your trip to make sure you don’t have too many surprise expenses.

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