Welcome to the world of Jaded Ivy. Where everyone is welcome, food and fun is a must and hopefully we make the world just a little bit brighter.

Julia Ivy

Mother, wife, traveler, cook, bookworm, aspiring author, and most likely to eat all the cookie dough before you can make a batch of cookies.

Mark Ivy

Father, husband, engineer, ninja, and most likely to say "actually I just read a book that mentions..."

Sand Man

Son, brother, breaker of limits placed upon him, ASD superstar and the most likely person to eat all the chocolate muffins.

Jr G-Man

Son, brother, philanthropist, future leader, rambunctious little monster and the most likely person to tell you he is too tired to do his chores and then run around the house like a maniac for 20 minutes.

A bit, from Jaded Ivy


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